Category Archives: Health

Articles About Sweet Drop Apiary Health

Happy Easter


We Support Ukraine

In the face of war, Sweet Drop apiary supports the Ukrainians. We are with Ukraine [...]

Bee Products and Their Uses

Bee products are a natural food, they contain substances necessary for life. The material secreted [...]

Pollinators are Declining in the EU

Pollinators are animals that transfer pollen from male to female structures of flowers, enabling fertilisation [...]

Honey – Glazed Almonds

Honey – Glazed Almonds from Sweet Drop Apiary Spiced nuts are usually baked, this stovetop [...]

Honey – Lemon Spritz

For this recipe use raw and natural honey from Sweet Drop Apiary. Slap the verbena [...]

Chile and Habaneros Pepper – Infused Honey

Chile and Habaneros Pepper – Infused Honey Honey will never expire. The acid content is [...]

Phacelia Tanacetifolia

Phacelia is a genus of about 200 kind plants. Phacelia tanacetifolia is an annual and [...]

Types of Honey

Types of honey The taste, color and smell of honey vary depending on the flowers [...]

A List of Properties, Benefits and Improvements Attributed to Royal Jelly

Royal jelly is secreted by the hypopharyngeal gland (sometimes called the brood food gland) of [...]

Royal Jelly benefits

Royal jelly was initially advertised for its rejuvenating effects (De Belfever, 1958).  Royal jelly, taken [...]

Sweet Drop Honey

Natural Honey from the Sweet Drop Apiary is sweet, fragrant, can be light, amber in [...]

The Effect of Royal Jelly on Honeybee

The effect of royal jelly on honeybee larvae, for which it was originally intended as [...]

Bee Pollen from Sweet Drop Apiary

Sweet Drop bee pollen what it is and what their benefits? Pollen is the male [...]

Sweet Drop Honey National Quality Product

Public Institution EKOAGROS, established in 1997, is the only institution in Lithuania carrying out certification [...]