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Some articles from our Blog
In recent years, a lot of data has been published on studies of the antioxidant [...]
Immunostimulating Properties of Pollen and Bee Bread Nutrient content: Pollen and bee bread are rich [...]
In Lithuania, food has been used as a therapeutic and prophylactic tool in the rich [...]
A. Kajas in the book “Pollen” (1976) indicates that no other natural product can match [...]
Bee bread is a fermented mixture of pollen, honey, and saliva that bees store in [...]
Bee pollen and bee bread are both products of the beekeeping industry and are used [...]
Bee products, such as honey, propolis, and royal jelly, may have beneficial effects on liver [...]
Bee products, such as honey, propolis, and bee pollen, may have beneficial effects on gastrointestinal [...]
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Rated 5.00 out of 5
21,95 €
COLLECTED FROM BEEHIVES, WHICH STAND IN THE FORESTS, and far away from big cities with no industry or factories nearby.
Rated 5.00 out of 5
18,95 €
IMMUNITY AND ENERGY BOOSTER - full of organic vitamins, minerals, enzymes, amino acids, proteins and anti-oxidants. 10-15 g of Bee Bread per day, preferably in the morning. For better results 20-30 g. per day.
4,95 €
Honey is one of the oldest foods beneficial to health. Can prolong human life, provides vitality and health.
15,00 €
With Love prepared Gift Box of Honey, Bee Bread or Pollen from the "Sweet Drop" Apiary. Will not only strengthen immunity and provide energy, but also brighten the mood. This is a real gift of nature for You!