April in the Sweet Drop Apiary

A real month for bee spring.

Families already have several combs of broods (especially in Carniolan honey bee colonies). At the beginning of the month, the bees finish Spring flying. Spring plants begin to bloom. Bees begin to carry pollen, water, nectar.

April generally marks the beginning of the active season with warmer days and the appearance of early blossom. After a winter of unceasing rain and endlessly unsettled weather we finally have some forage for our bees: the early snowdrops, hazel and alder have given way to wild plum and blackthorn, spring flowers and shrubs and my bees are taking full advantage.

The arrival of spring means it’s time for regular inspections and the completion of any winter tasks we didn’t quite get round to because soon we will have to turn our full attention to swarm prevention and control.
Carry out your first detailed inspection if you have not already done so. Be clear what you are looking for: Queen present & laying? Brood at all stages? Good brood pattern with biscuit-colored capping’s? Bees looking normal & healthy? Acting normally? Any sign of disease or Varroa mites (be sure to check floor inserts)? Are there enough stores to last the bees to your next inspection? Has the colony got enough room? Check the queen’s mark and renew if indistinct.