March in the Sweet Drop Apiary

March in the Sweet Drop Apiary

March is the time for bees to wake up. The bee ball is raised, the first broods in the center. The bees are ready to fly. When the weather warms up + 10 ℃ – + 12 ℃, the bees start flying.

Dead bees are scraped from the varnish. If the bees do not fly out on the day of flight, it should be checked by placing your hand under the insulation material. The heat is felt when there is brood. It is advisable to check the edge honeycombs. If they are light, they should be placed in a nest under the honeycomb with exposed honey and bread, after keeping in a warm room. Without honeycombs with food, you can put candy dough on top of the nest or give sugar syrup: 1.5 parts sugar and 1 part water. It is better to give the syrup poured into the honeycomb. The hives’ bottoms should be cleaned as soon as possible and all unharvested bee hives should be removed from the nest. It is advisable to check the hive debris with bee carcasses in a veterinary laboratory for nosematosis and other bee diseases.