What You Find In the Sweet Drop Apiary Gift Box:
Honey – Sweet Drop honey is collected from the flowers of various plants, light yellowish, yellowish golden or yellowish brown in color, aromatic, light or intense in taste. The taste and smell of honey depends on the smell of the flowers of the plants from which the nectar is taken. In our Sweet Drop apiary, bees live only in wooden hives.
Bee bread – is a very valuable, natural, bee-fermented product, it is a real gift of nature to man. Bees make bread from pollen (the male cells of the flowers), enzymes produced by their saliva, and honey. The bread has a sweet and sour taste. The bees collected from the flowers bring the pollen on their feet to the hive and throw it into the honeycomb holes. The young bees crush the pollen clumps in the front jaws and compress them well in the honeycomb holes. This works until 2/3 of the honeycomb holes are filled, then filled with honey and covered with wax. The mixture is left to mature. Under the action of enzymes, at high humidity and heat (34 – 36 degrees) bee bread is formed in about 2 weeks.